TABLE TALK: The Life And Legacy Of Pete Rose With Keith O'Brien
This week on TABLE TALK, Jeff sat down with Keith O’Brien, New York Times bestselling author of “CHARLIE HUSTLE” to discuss the life and legacy of Pete Rose, who recently passed away at the age of 83. Who was Pete Rose the man? How did his life as a kid and early stages of his life shape how he lived his life? Topics that Keith and Jeff dove into:
Examining the foundational value systems of Pete Rose as he was growing up as a kid.
How Rose’s charisma not only helped him in life, but was also a detriment.
The massive cultural shifts in gambling that we've seen over the years.
After 27 hours of interviews and discussion with Rose, and now that he’s gone, what will his overall legacy look like in the years to come?
All of this and much more this week on Table Talk!